XENA Token Distribution

We have evolved our token distribution strategy to ensure a more comprehensive and inclusive journey for all participants:

  1. Initial Token Offering (ITO):

    • Allocation: 20% of total supply

    • Purpose: Launching the project and involving early supporters and investors in the initial phase to raise funds for development of enumerated products and sustaining healthy liquidity.

  2. Community Rewards:

    • Allocation: 15% of total supply

    • Purpose: Fostering an engaged community by rewarding active participation, enthusiasm, and contributions.

  3. Development and Innovation:

    • Allocation: 20% of total supply

    • Purpose: Driving ongoing development, innovation, and future enhancements for a dynamic and evolving ecosystem. This includes special budget for watch-to-earn, play-to-earn and move-to-earn products.

  4. Strategic Partnerships:

    • Allocation: 10% of total supply

    • Purpose: Establishing key partnerships, collaborations with artists, influencers, and industry leaders for mutual growth.

  5. Team and Advisors:

    • Allocation: 10% of total supply

    • Vesting: Subject to a vesting period to align the interests of the team and advisors with the long-term success of XENA.

  6. Staking Rewards:

    • Allocation: 15% of total supply

    • Purpose: Incentivizing users to stake XENA tokens, contributing to ecosystem stability while earning rewards.

  7. NFT Holders Rewards:

    • Allocation: 5% of total supply

    • Purpose: Recognizing and rewarding NFT holders, adding value to their digital collectibles and enhancing the NFT ecosystem.

  8. Ecosystem Growth Fund:

    • Allocation: 5% of total supply

    • Purpose: Facilitating future initiatives, marketing efforts, and unexpected opportunities for the sustained growth of the XENA ecosystem.

This revised token distribution plan reflects our commitment to creating an inclusive and thriving ecosystem where every participant contributes to the success of the XENA journey.

Last updated